Quiztime - 13th April 2022

2022年4月13日、以下のクイズが投稿されました。 https://twitter.com/kollege/status/1513938273365856264?s=20&t=10XX3ZBOsqKecDXxT5XYjw 質問は以下です: (1) どこにある? (2) 誰がこの家に住んでいた? (3) 左の建物の窓の向こうには何がある? 解決策 …

Italy Geolocation Part2

2022年4月12日、以下のクイズが投稿されました。 クイズの趣旨は時間を特定することですが、あまり時間がないのでジオロケーションのみにします。 それでは Let's Geolocation!! https://twitter.com/bayer_julia/status/1513612215143837700?s=20&t=M6L61Py…

Quiztime - 16th February 2022

2022年2月16日、以下の交通表のクイズが投稿されました。 https://twitter.com/kollege/status/1493692598631993360?s=20&t=gqLV8RNsrkDKrxfprdcExg 質問 1.どの都市からの計画ですか?2.赤枠の中の言葉を教えてください3.3. スケジュールのリンクを見つけて…

Quiztime - 20th January 2022 - New York Geolocation

2022年1月20日、以下の看板と黒い車のクイズが投稿されました。 https://twitter.com/trbrtc/status/1484027956326543362?s=20&t=bt5ubQkG48FSfjeudg0TNw どこにあるのか、また何のためにあるのか、と質問があります。 早速取り掛かってみましょう。 Geolcoa…

Quiztime: 27th December 2021 - Estonian Challenge

世界最新のIT先進国とも噂されているエストニアには、是非とも行ってみたいエンジニアの方はたくさんおられるのではないでしょうか? 今回はエストニアの簡単なジオロケーションクイズです。 https://twitter.com/OSINTDojo/status/1475468816746356738?s=20…

Quiztime 26th August 2021: What kind of ebook and what book did you publish next?

2021年8月26日、Twitterの#Thursdayquizにて、以下の問題が投稿されました。 内容は画像のebookに書かれている文字の本を特定して、その本の著者の次に出版した本を答える問題です。 https://twitter.com/Sector035/status/1430879774986194956?s=20&t=6Nbrw…

Quiztime 30th July 2021: What's animal puzzle?

2021年7月31日、Twitterの#Thursdayquizにて、以下の問題が投稿されました。 https://twitter.com/Sector035/status/1420803629263593475?s=20&t=d-2bt0Py_UKeSWe6bpN8dg 1:このパズルにはいくつのピースがありますか?2:イラストレーターの名前は? 注意…

HowToOSINT - How to Geolocate with Overpassturbo

大学を卒業した方、もしくは現在大学生の方、大学って広すぎて大変ですよね しかし、時々他の教室や研究室を覗き見てみたい方もいるはず! 私は暇なとき何の意味もなく学校中をうろうろしたことがあります(笑) そこで今回はある大学のキャンパスでのクイズで…

Quiztime - Fish Stone Statues and Geolocation

How many people can look at this statue and come to this answer?This Quiztime was very difficult and even the versatile OSINT community could not solve it without hints. I did not get to the end, but I will present half of my personal inve…

Quiztime - Logo Verification Challenge

Each person should have something important to offer.However, it would be sad if they suddenly disappeared one day.Today's quiz was not about geolocation, but about the feelings people put into it and the events that changed its history.Be…

Quiztime - Architectural Model Challenge

The OSINT quiz has a number of quizzes that geolocate distinctive buildings.This time, the quiz is to figure out a certain model and locate the building.We ask you to take it easy ... https://twitter.com/LarsWienand/status/1503798847453155…

Quiztime - Archiving Challenge

There are resources available to help you find information that is outdated or has been erased. That is the Internet Archive. Using the archive, it is possible to obtain old information or exclude Web sites that have already been deleted. …

Quiztime - Lake Geolocation and SOCMINT Challenge

This quiz is a quiz to find out the location of the lake, but as the name suggests, it is a SOCMINT quiz that uses social networking services. If you are interested, please look it up on your own. This quiz showed me that my OSINT skills a…

Quiztime - Chronolocation Challenge PART2

Today will be Chronolocation Challenge PART 2.However, the difference from the last time was to figure out the orbit of the moon, not the sun, to find the time. https://twitter.com/bayer_julia/status/1503468410012852230?s=20&t=eCVgT-plB6CF…

Quiztime - Winter Picnic Challenge

This time it's an OSINT quiz by @bayer_julia.This was a very difficult quiz, as there is infinitely little information that can be read from the photos. It was a good question that reminded us that we need proper search skills, language sk…

Quiztime - How to Geolocate with Video Verification

When analyzing information in OSINT, there is a vast amount of information that can be extracted from video. A video is actually a collection of many micro-changes of a single picture, a picture that changes from moment to moment as we see…

Quiztime - First Chronolocation Challenge

Have you heard of an OSINT method called chronolocation?While geolocation is often compared to geolocation, chronolocation is a technique to narrow down the "time zone" of a location.I took the Chronolocation Challenge for the first time i…

Quiztime - Mystery Castle

There are so many fascinating medieval buildings.This quiz is "How much does a hotel near a mansion cost per night?" This time, we will only explain it lightly because it is simple. https://twitter.com/twone2/status/1473693369843036168?s=2…

Quiztime - Train Geolocation

Today we present two train geolocation quizzes. These were good questions that allowed us to learn about train identification, bird life, and country culture.So let's geolocate! Geolocation https://twitter.com/twone2/status/149404053019965…

Quiztime - 15th February 2019 - Yacht lingered quietly

The ocean is a man's romance.Since ancient times, mankind has been building ships and breaking through the stormy seas with thought and artifice.However, an adventurer must have a never-ending spirit of exploration. Now, for this question,…

Quiztime - 22nd March 2022 - Geolocation Tuscany

When it comes to adult pleasures, most people think of alcohol at the end of the workday. I am over 20 years old and my favorite drink is grape juice lol. I am more interested in wine than alcohol. Every day I want to graduate from college…

Quiztime - 9th November 2021 - black and white parasol

I love the ocean.Especially just looking at the crystal clear ocean calms me down.Well, that aside, I would like to talk about this issue.The following question is a #MondayQuiz by @bayer_julia.It's just a geolocation challenge, just to lo…

Quiztime - 8th March 2022 - #STANDforUkraine

Last year, I read one of the blogs nixintel, which sparked my interest in OSINT, and a few months ago I started OSINT little by little. Most of the questions are mainly about gathering and analyzing information (Geolocation) of given image…

OSINT Student Self-Introduction

Hello, everyone! This blog is set up for newbie OSINTers, but even if you are not, we welcome engineers or any other non-IT related professionals who have even the slightest interest in OSINT! As for me, I am just a Japanese university stu…